UPDATE 9/15/15 10:18 AM: Here is an English translation of the below Arabic video message:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Dr. Ayman al-Ẓawāhirī — “Days With The Imām #7″ (En)
NOTE: Click here for previous parts in this series: #6, #4, #3, #2, and #1.
Category: As-Saḥāb
As-Saḥāb Media presents a new video message from al-Qā’idah's Ḥamzah Bin Usāmah Bin Lāden: "Greetings of Peace to the People of Islām"
UPDATE 8/24/15 11:43 AM:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Ḥamzah Bin Usāmah Bin Lāden — “Greetings of Peace to the People of Islām” (En)
Ḥamzah Bin Usāmah Bin Lāden — “Greetings of Peace to the People of Islām”
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
As-Saḥāb Media presents a new video message from al-Qā’idah: "Mir Ali Report (North Waziristan)"
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
As-Saḥāb Media presents a new video message from Dr. Ayman al-Ẓawāhirī: "Pledging Bay’ah To Mullā Akhtar Muḥmmad Manṣūr"
As-Saḥāb Media presents a new video message from al-Qā’idah in the Indian Subcontinent's Ustāẓ Aḥmad Fārūq: "A Message for the Mujāhidīn in Pakistan and the People of Pakistan: Fighting Has Only Just Begun!"
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
As-Saḥāb Media presents a new magazine issue from al-Qā’idah: “Resurgence #2″
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah — “Resurgence #2″
As-Saḥāb presents a new statement from al-Qā’idah in the Indian Subcontinent: "American's Neither Killed the 'Jew' Warren Weinstein Nor the 'Atheist' Giovanni Lo Porto"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah in the Indian Subcontinent — “American’s Neither Killed the ‘Jew’ Warren Weinstein Nor the ‘Atheist’ Giovanni Lo Porto”
To inquire about a translation for this release for a fee email: [email protected]
As-Saḥāb presents a new statement from al-Qā’idah in the Indian Subcontinent: "Dera Ismā'īl Khān, April 3: The Mujāhidīn Killed DSP Bahawal Khān"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah in the Indian Subcontinent — “Dera Ismā’īl Khān, April 3- The Mujāhidīn Killed DSP Bahawal Khān”
To inquire about a translation for this release for a fee email: [email protected]
As-Saḥāb presents a new statement from al-Qā’idah in the Indian Subcontinent: "Adopting the Killing of a Number of Cursers of the Prophet in Compliance With the Directives from Shaykh Ayman al-Ẓawāhirī"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah in the Indian Subcontinent — “Adopting the Killing of a Number of Cursers of the Prophet in Compliance With the Directives from Shaykh Ayman al-Ẓawāhirī”
To inquire about a translation for this release for a fee email: [email protected]
As-Saḥāb Media presents a new video message from al-Qā’idah in the Indian Subcontinent’s Ustāẓ Usāmah Maḥmūd: "Eulogy For the Two Commander Leaders Ustāẓ Aḥmad Fārūq and Qārī ‘Imrān"
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]