Eye on ISIS in Libya

Jihadology is proud to launch a collaboration with a new web service, EyeOnISISinLibya.com — founded by Jason Pack. Eye On ISIS in Libya (EOIL) is both a repository of English language information about the origins, expansion, actions, and governance of the Islamic State in Libya and also a free subscription web service that provides weekly updates on IS’s actions and the responses of Libyan and international actors. EOIL’s comprehensive, easily searchable, information-driven, and unbiased content replete with maps, videos, and interactive content should help individuals interested come to grips with the unique nature of IS in Libya compared with its home base in Iraq/Syria.
Each week, Jihadology will repost the EOIL “ISIS in Action” post covering the Islamic State’s actions over the previous week. These posts also link back to the EOIL site where users can read that week’s other three updates: “Western Response,”  “Other Jihadi Actors,” and “The Anti-ISIS Coalition.” Conversely, Jihadology will post IS’s videos and propaganda pertaining to Libya on EOIL’s  ISIS Materials page, with links back to Jihadology where users can find more information about IS’s full range of propaganda.
Look out for the first “ISIS in Action” post on Jihadology in the coming days.