New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Regarding the Futile Bonn Conference"

Similar to the experiment of the past decade, the western occupying forces and its puppet regime in Kabul busied the media outlets for the past couple of months on the Bonn conference and its agenda. Efforts were made to give false hope to the Afghan and western people and to turn away their attention for a while. The Bonn conference, which was touted until yesterday to be the sole
opportunity for reaching a solution to the problems of Afghanistan by the international and internal media, turned out to be nothing more than a repetition of a few hollow words and assurances by its participants and speakers to try and blow life into the carcass of the stooge Kabul regime after the foreign troops supposedly leave Afghanistan at the end of 2014. This conference was concluded on such a note that a few empty promises were made while none of the fundamental matters were debated and neither were any questions raised about what the real demands of the oppressed Afghan nation are?
Islam and Islamic system were not mentioned anywhere in the long body text of the resolutions of the conference; no specific and known obligations were made; all issues have been bypassed and guidelines for the fundamental solution and obligations on international community have not been made; peace process has been referred to as reintegration; it has been decorated with many words, few of which are meaningful; a lot of focus has been given to guiding the Kabul administration and similarly shifting more responsibility to it. It seems as if the international community has grown weary of the Afghan mission and is passing its time with only ceremonial and theatrical movements and words. It can be seen from afar that the resolutions of the conference were pre-written and were merely announced under the heading of Bonn conference.
Our perceptive nation has recognized all the tricks and fraudulences of the occupying countries in the past ten years and can never be deceived by such empty words which have been heard by every ear and practically observed for a decade. The Afghans do not hold any goodwill coming from the resolutions of the second Bonn which was convened and concluded under the supervision of America, NATO and other prejudiced countries. Rather promises were also made in this Bonn to pave roads for the strengthening of the grip of the black mafia over Afghanistan’s freedom and sovereignty and which has plundered the resources of this country and has laid down projects and traps to keep looting for another decade. Besides this, America also tried to give legality to its self-interested and colonial policies so it can use the soil of Afghanistan against the neighbors and the region and God Forbid, to entrap Afghans in historical enmity and hostilities with its neighbors and the region.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan wants to call on all the occupying countries that they should pay attention to the fundamental problems and demands of our and their own countries rather then wasting time on such vain and futile conferences. You should first and foremost remove your troops from our soil, forgo building permanent bases here and leave our aching nation to build an independent Islamic government in accordance with its aspirations and they should know that such an Islamic government will benefit the Afghans and the entire world.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan