New statement from Anṣārullah: "Message to the Muslims on the Occasion of ‘Īd al 'Aḍḥā, 1432"

All praise is due to Allah, and may peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, and upon all his family and companions. To proceed:
As Muslims throughout the world reenact the sacrifice of Ibrahim (AS), the blessed servant of Allah, both those who have been blessed with performing Hajj as well as others, images of the life of this great Prophet come to mind, that Prophet who Allah Most High described as being an “Ummah” in himself. The sacrifices of Ibrahim (AS) can be summarized in the saying of Allah, “Indeed my prayers, my rites, my life and my death are for Allah, the Lord of all that exists.”
The trials which Ibrahim (AS) bore patiently were what led to him receiving the title of “Al-Khaleel” and that of the “Father of the Prophets”; trials too surreal for us Muslims to even imagine. Rebelling and calling against the religion of his people and forefathers, openly declaring his disassociation and hatred of idolatry and its people, being physically tortured for his beliefs, and Hijrah from his land in order to practice and implement Tawheed, in addition to the various personal trials, one after another, through which Allah tested His beloved servant; all these are the core beliefs and sacrifices required by this blessed religion… aspects unthought of by most Muslims today.
As Muslims offer their sacrificial animals to Allah on this magnificent and global event of Eid, they bring to mind the unbelievable trial of Ibrahim (AS), being told to sacrifice his only son who, after many other trials, had become a young lad. It was this moment which was the epitome of servitude to Allah, both father and son submitting to a command which had come in the form of a dream. Indeed words cannot describe the feelings stirred up by these images…
As we Muslims offer these sacrificial animals, we need to reflect upon what sacrifices we are making in our own lives to Allah Most High. Are we fulfilling what is required from us by our religion? Have we rebelled against the status quo and called to truth, or do we still fear chastisement? Have we openly declared our disavowal of disbelief, of both the forces of kufr and apostasy, in our hearts and in our actions, or do we sweet-talk and maybe even show allegiance to it? Have we made Hijrah from those who have shown enmity to Islam and the Muslims, or do we dwell in their lands and enjoy this lowly life which they have made into a Paradise?
Are we exerting proper effort and time for the establishment of Tawheed, or do we take part in the rat race and give what is left over for Islam and its Cause? Are we ready to sacrifice even some worldly comforts, which is yet a far cry from giving one’s life for Allah?
As we sacrifice these animals for Allah in these blessed days, we must never forget those who offer the required sacrifices every day for Allah, placing their souls in the palms of their hands for Allah to take when He pleases. Indeed we salute those soldiers of Allah, the Ibrahims of our time, who have left their lands, the lands of apostasy and kufr, to make the word of Allah supreme, or those who have left such lands in their hearts, waging Jihad within them… those who have left their families, jobs, money, friends, homelands, security and comfort, and have traversed long distances, whether physically or mentally, exposing themselves to death and imprisonment, and have divorced this life thrice, offering their souls to Allah for Paradise. Indeed it is only they who have truly implemented the Millah of Ibraheem of Pure Tawheed, and purified their hearts and deeds from all blemishes of Shirk and Kufr.
We pray that Allah accepts the sacrifices of these pure monotheists, and of their leader and role model, he who has shown us the meaning of sacrifice in these dark times, the leader of martyrs and the Lion of Islam, Sheikh Usamah bin Muhammad bin Laden, may Allah raise him in the highest levels of Jannah. Indeed in his life and times is a lesson for all people, and a proof against the opposers and deserters.
We also ask Allah that He accepts the sacrifices of all Muslims, and that he guides us to offer as sacrifice all what is expected of as Muslims.
And our final prayer, is that all praise be to Allah, the Lord of all that exists.