UPDATE 4/24 1:38 PM: Here is an English translation of the below video message:
I, Astemir Mamishev, Mujahid of the central sector of the combined Wilayah KBK, under the leadership of Amir Ubaydullah (ha) – the Amir of this sector – address to the ‘Black Hawks’ gang. I want to remind them of my Protector, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, about Allah (swt), against whom you are aiming your efforts. And truely, you lost at the very moment you started, and your acts will not bring you any success in this world. And you will only find the fire of hell in the Hereafter, Insha’Allah
I testify before Allah that those ‘measures’ – that you have taken to intimidate me and to make me renounce to the Jihad in the way of Allah – are useless and futile. By Allah, I am determined to raise the word of Allah on this earth. Like any other Mujahid who came out in this path. Insha’Allah, we kill, and will [continue to] kill you, as much as Allah allows us. Yes, I do not care about what happens to my family, but be that as it may be, even if you kill my whole family, I will not stop, Insha’Allah. But this doesn’t mean that I do not like them, that I do not love my family. I simply know that this is a test from Allah, both for me and for them. What I do, I do it for the sake of Allah (swt), not for the sake of my family. In any case, I am convinced that you will not harm them more than what Allah has prescribed [for them]. By going on the path of Jihad, we left our families in the care of Allah, and verily Allah is the best protector.
I do not know what you’ve talked about when you said that you were ‘on my trail’ and the trail of [Ratmir] Shameyev (may Allah preserve him), and that we will ‘not see you coming’. As for you, it’s up to our intelligence services-Mukhabarat to identify you. I will not bluff you, as you did. Insha’Allah it’s only a matter of time. And when we shall meet you, Insha’Allah, we shall see under whose feet the ground will burn, Insha’Allah. You are just pathetic minions of Satan, AudhuBillah. Verily, Allah (swt) said in the Quran: “Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah , and those who disbelieve fight in the cause of Taghut. So fight against the allies of Satan. Indeed, the plot of Satan has ever been weak” (Surat An-Nisā’ : 76). I also want to say to this dog (1), who sits masked and tries to threaten the Mujahideen : if you’re a man, then show your face. Subhan’Allah, you don’t looks like a defender of the fatherland – of our fatherland. Be a man, show your face. Subhan’Allah, I am sitting here [and] you can see my face. Insha’Allah, may Allah allows us to meet you, identify and – Insha’Allahu Rahman – destroy you.
And as to me personally, yes, on the basis of what I said, I think that my position on your so-called threat is already clear. Insha’Allah it’s not only my position but the position of each Mujahid directly. Each to whom you try to threaten their family or anything else. Insha’Allah, it will all be in vain, we are determined. Insha’Allah, we killed and we will kill [you], as Allah (swt) said it in the Quran. And as long as we are alive, Insha’Allah as we long as we can hold guns in our hands, yes, as long as our hearts beat, we will kill you, Insha’Allah. May Allah humiliates the infidels by our hands, the hands of the Mujahideen and those who try to help them.
To all brothers and sisters who are worry for us, who make Du’aa for us all, may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon you. JazakAllahu Khayran for your support, Insha’Allah. All is said, I have finished.
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar!
Translation with adaptations – from IslamDin – by the Kavkaz-Jihad blog. We thank the brothers for providing a transcript of the video.
1. Reference to the RenTV interview of a member of the ‘black hawks’. Apparently identified as an FSB member.
