New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Zabīhullah Mujāhid: "We Strongly Reject Karzai’s Claims"

The head of the stooge Kabul administration, Hamid Karzai recently asserted in an interview with the ‘The Wall Street Journal’ that the US and Kabul administration have started secret talks with the Taliban which have also proven very effective.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan strongly rejects Karzai’s claims and adds that the representatives of Islamic Emirate have not talked with the puppet administration anywhere and have not even yet decided if they want to hold talks with the administration of Kabul. It should be mentioned that there is nothing else left for the enemy except propaganda through which it desires to extend its stooge rule for a few more days. But just as their other ploys failed and were uprooted in their initial stages, this new campaign of deceit will also be condemned to failure and will face humiliating disclosure. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan believes that even if someone has met with the Karzai administration on the behalf of Islamic Emirate then they must be a fraud. Just like how a similar incident took place previously, it is entirely possible that someone else could have once again duped this administration because the enemy is dazed and have created an environment with its own hands from which anyone can easily take personal advantage and offer empty promises in return.